Steve just always seems to be able to calm me down
Yesterday I ended a post with some pessimistic remarks about apple being destroyed and what not (ok maybe not in so many words but i was thinking it). Well I finished watching the webcast of Steve Job’s keynote and wow he always seems to have a way of calming me right down. Now for some reason I don’t feel too bad about the whole change over to intel. I wont be tattooing bunny rabbits to my thigh and wearing feathers for underwear but I don’t mind the change as much. Its weird to thing think that the one building closest to the onramp for 280 made an OS X intended for intel chips for the last 5 years. I am still, however torn about what to do next. I was going to buy myself a mac at the end of the summer, but then I was like i’ll wait till macworld and then get one cause that is when all the upgrades would come. But then I hear that they will start shipping macintel (god I love that name) by this time next year. However it always is dangerous and often a bad idea to adopt the first generation. The transitions would be complete by this time 2007. I cant wait that long. I didn’t even want to wait for macworld to buy a mac. Right now I am leaning toward screw it I will buy a cheap little intermediate mac with some of the money I make over the summer. I think a mac mini, something i planed to but back in april anywayes, would be a good one to last 3 or 4 years until I buy a good third or fourth generation macintel.