Monday, June 06, 2005

A Breif History of Colonialism

Sorry that most of you have already read/heard this but i am a little bit burnt out right now and I dont feel like coming up with anything new or original. Then why do it you ask? because it again feels like a while since anything was posted here and i have been jonzen for a fix for a while. so i am posting for posting's sake. i guess i have been living too close to hollywood for too long now. anyway, on to the mediocrity.

from my history paper a little while ago:

"Imagine for a moment you are sitting in your room alone, not hurting anything, but content none the less. All of a sudden your unlocked door is kicked open and a strange man comes in. He says how wonderful this place is and how great he is for discovering it. He then claims that all he can see, your entire room and everything in it is now owned by some guy named Steve who apparently this man is not. He then grabs your wallet off of the table it had been resting on and opens it up. He says, “oh and what riches this land will bring to the great Steve. He shall be so proud of m-AACHOO!” The man sneezes and you fall over and die. “Bless me,” says the man as he walks over your fresh corpse to grab some more of your stuff. This would be a familiar occurrence if you were ever colonized by a European power anytime after the sixteenth century."

its no type type type bla bla bla but it will have to do.


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