Good old fashioned family racism
i was perusing the online paper this morning after finishing up the easyest all-nighter i have ever pulled and i came accross something that peaked my interst. it seems that there is quite a dust up going on over the newest muppet addition to the Seasame Street cast.
the new muttep is named Abby Cadabby, she's a three year old pink fairy in training and one of the first new muppets in over 10 years. now i have never been all THAT into Seasame Street mostly because i was 3 last tim ei saw an episode and i dont quite rememebr it too well. also i have been told that i didnt in fact watch the street all that much. i guess i was more of a jerry springer kid.
anyway, apparently there have been some complaints that she is to girly-girl and what not. i wont go into it too much. just google it if you care so much. its just that midway threw the article theytalke to one of the critics and its this one quote that really made me smile in a oh-isnt-that-ironic type way.
i'm gonna quote exactly from her now so you know i can in no way be making this up:
"And Susan Linn, cofounder of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, calls Abby's introduction a blatant attempt to compete with the gigantic Disney princess market. "The last thing little girls need is one more pink fairy," she says. "My understanding is that she's a little incompetent with her magic, too. I'm concerned that now even the Sesame Workshop has bought into the girly, girly commercialized image of what it is to be feminine."
now here is the fun part of the quote:
They could have had an Asian girl, they could have had a girl who's really good at math."
if you're tying to argue against a new muttet that you see as reenforcing a negative steriotype the you really shouldnt start by throwing out racist suggestions to take her place. i mean if your first suggestion is to get an asian who is good at math what your 2nd suggestion? maybe a black muppet who's favorite food is fried chicken and can't swim. why not a mexican puttet who wears a giant sombraro and lives in a studio apartmetn with 40 other mexican puppets. or a white puttet with a mullet and who's brother and daddy are the same person.
oh yea and they were also pissed because she was a magic fairy (is there any other kind?) so she is obviously is a memeber of the occult and therefore satan's minon. that's tough to pull off, being critizized for being too girly and a member of the occult at the same time. maybe i should start watching seasame street.