Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Realize THIS!!!

The iPod nano is pretty bitchin'. The iPod with video capabilities is interesting; although I tend to agree with Mr. Jobbs that watching video on the thing isn't what people really want--at least, I don't want to do that. But, the fact that it is so damn thin is very impressive...
But, what is REALLY impressive--and I mean REALLY, REALLY impressive--or, at least it has the potential to be REALLY, REALLY, REALLY impressive--is the new Apple version of the media PC--little remote control with just a couple of buttons that can control your computer from across the dorm room. Perhaps I was wrong--that isn't impressive--that is sexy!!!! The remote will even work on the new iPod docking stations with built in IR receivers...
This little innovation is only available on the iMac right now (which isn't a bad thing), but when it is available on the Mac mini (G5 or intel version) I will have one in every room in the house--two in the bathroom (don't ask)...
BTW, werdnA, you DO have an "o" in one of your names--you may want to let the guy that wrote that well-thought out response know that it has to be re-thought out in a more well fashion... Perhaps while living at the bottom of the ocean...
Oh, while I am commenting on previous posts in a post instead of doing the more appropriate comment--which is an unfortunate precedent that has been set on this blog, and I can only hope that the benevolent and omnipotent (and damn good-looking) blog owner/god forgives us for--let me point out that the original vitriolic post that caused the hiatus (not hiatal hernia) of sraeB ad was not, in fact, removed, but had the date changed to something in the previous century... The blog god has a sense of humor...

BTW (2), if you run a spell-checker on your post you may notice that the dictionary that blogspot/blogger/google provides doesn't recognize the word "blog"--how is that for whacked!?!?!?!?! Please leave your comments below (or above)...


Blogger Andrew said...

Reciprocate THAT!!!!

Please allow me to agree with the most honorable representative to my bottom (hehe bottom). Also, although this is almost entirely in reference to the post down there, I plan on sticking with tradition and posting this as if it were and original idea or something unique. However I will slightly break with radiation in order to appease the internet gods (who in anger struck dead two first tier backbone servers toady) by posting this in the comments section as well.

Mr. jobs obviously does agree with me that video is not as great a feature on a mp3 player as people tend think. There are many issues and problems with watching video on a portable player that just don’t exist when it comes to listening to music. First is that you have watch the thing. I know that is a very well hidden problem so let me explain. When you watch video it is usually customary to watch the video. With a portable device that means not only that you have to hold the device for however long you are watching that tiny screen but you have to hold it out in the open. The ipod ear buds are a nice bright “mug me” white already, think of the attention you would get walking around staring at your $300 video ipod. Part of the reason I like my mini so much is that I can keep it in my pants pocket and I never have to take it out. That is also what makes the incredible nano (and I have used one and it is freekin incredible!) so great is you would barly even notice you had it with you.. Also video has the problem of taking up a lot of space, even with low bitrates so often times you end up with a video that is no where near that of dvd quality (which in turn is not theater quality) playing on a small screen. In fact portable video is just not as great as it seems in almost any form, except maybe a laptop where you can play the high quality videos on a big screen..

Front row is indeed extremely cool and very uber sexy, especially with that simple little tiny six button remote man is that excellent. However I have to say it feels weird for apple to be playing catch up. I mean Microsoft has had a media center pc out for a very long time and for apple to catching up to microsoft in software terms is a little unnerving. Plus there isn’t even a tv tuner in the computer to watch tv with. Then again watching live tv on a computer is never a very satisfying experience. The software suck, the quality is awful and they audio and pic never really sync up because the computer cant process the video and audio fast enough. Still windows does still let you watch and record tv shows. But I will admit that part of apples appeal is that they may not always be the first on the market with a new technology, but once they sink their teeth into something new they make it so oogles better and much easier and intuitive. Which is, of course the opposite of Microsoft that finds a new promising technology, hijacks it, destroys the dreams of the original creators through threats, manipulation and a borg-like efficiency, then fills the hijacked technology with bugs and security holes forcing you into an endless spiral of patches and plugs and malware removal tools until the next interaction of the software comes out and the process gets repeated for more money. Plus, like you said, a mac mini with frontline would be so sexy it would surpass sexy and go into the realm of randy. I mean a box that is two inches high and slightly bigger than a cd, with frontline, attached to a tv, hell an hdtv, with a hdmi output. Oh man that would be great. Maybe at mac world expo.

Well neD that post did belong in another century because it was from a much more barbaric time, the recent past. And for my own btw, that “o” was for extra security y protection and was specially placed to ensure total confusion and chaos.

Oh and tell me about that blogger spell checker, but then again as we all know it is kinda of sacrilege to edit and proofread and spell check something on the internet. But then again if I didn’t do some spell checkin on my post , well they would worse they are and that is a very scary though, like an apocalypse causing thought.that is why I use the blogger plug in for word. It’s a nice little toolbar that once you are done writing you enter your user name and password and hit post, done. No web browser no nothing.

Well see you in the trench

October 21, 2005 at 10:16 PM  

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