Sunday, October 16, 2005

What is the deal with that guy…..?

I realize that this should go in the comments section but apparently we have given that up so I just want to ask what is up with that last post? I don’t who that guy thinks he is but that was one ridicules post. He certainly has a high opinion of himself. First off he should realize that calling your post a well thought out response invites certain expectations, like, oh I don’t know, a well thought out response for one. The last post was many things, well thought out was not one of them.

Apparently this guy seems to think the blog actually revolves around him, despite several testimonies (including an excellent debate between Galileo and Copernicus) and just plain common science pointing in the opposite direction. But then again if we live in a world where half the people don’t trust evolution and wont trust a scientist then I suppose people have to be very skilled at ignoring facts and that annoying little voice that keeps screaming “LOGIC LOGIC, USE LOGIC YOU FOOL!” over and over again.. This person was no exception.

What’s up will all that ohh-no-my-wounded-ego-it-hurts-so-bad routine. I mean first of all what is the point of responding to a post that no longer exists, if it ever did at all, and then waiting several months before saying anything about it. I mean for all we know that post in question could have been a very scrumptious recipe on how to bake banana slugs into a lemon-meringue π when short on lemons. However since it has been so long and as you claim the post has been “removed” we shall never know what really happened. In effect this could just be some random complaining for the internet masses, which is really something that belongs someplace more sympathetic to your plight, like a truck stop bathroom. And then there was the whole part about not being able to post without responding first. Now there are many excuses for laziness, I should know I have used a lot, but blaming some tiny post on a website located somewhere out in that vast disgusting cosmos that is the internet is really a poor excuses.

I think what I am trying to get across is tha was a poor excuse for a post and man I sure am glad I was not the author. If I was my first action after writing that would probably be to build a submersible craft and go out and live at the bottom of the Mariana’s trench for a year or two. Then again that would probably get you in al the record books and tv shows and give you a great book deal as well as a movie deal based off the book which would become the greatest grossing psychological thriller in years earning you fame and fortune….huh, that sounds pretty good actually, I might acually live at the bottom of the ocean for a while.


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