A well thought out response to earlier hate-mongering by a certain moff member
The moff blog used to be a place of happiness, sunshine, and diabetes-inducing sweetness (although that could just be a fake memory I have created). When I visited it it always made me feel good. Then not too long ago (as geologic events go) things changed. New members, specifically one, made moff a place that was cringe inducing and vein popping. It was not as fun anymore. But then again, what does my opinion matter; as it has been pointed out by this same member I really am not a member of moff, but I am related to one and I was invited for the beta testing (which if you ask google is the same thing as the final version). Maybe I don’t belong here and once the real moff members arrive I can make my presence less known if requested. However thanks to a spirited and quick defense by the actual creator of the moff blog I will stick around until such a time. this post should serve as a well thought out and clear headed response to a noob’s attempts to create a flame war on the moff with hate mongering and Mongol hords.
Some of you may have noticed (and if you have then you have been paying way to much attention to this blog and I feel sorry for you) that I have not contributed a single post or comment to the blog for a long time. The reason for this occurred a long time ago. For a long time, almost from the first day of inclusion, this member of the moff blog had been going after me, in a vaguely shrouded attempt to lure me into a flame war with him. Now I easily could have entered the conflict (police action) but I purposefully chose to ignore it and try and take the higher road for if I did enter into the war I would have easily destroyed and crushed my opponent and I wanted to try out a new found role as a firefighter instead of a flamer. However this “member’s” attacks grew more vicious and frequent, finally culminating but not ending with a massive hate filled post (which part of this post will take the time to refute) against, as Ignatius would say, your poor working boy. This post has thankfully since been removed by the blog’s graceful and benevolent (omnipotent?) admin/founder/ruler. however in its aftermath the blog changed and I was left without the ability to post for a long while. Not because I could not post or I didn’t want to post but because I had to take my time in responding to it. I even wrote a few posts down on paper and on the computer that I never put up. I thought about just immediately responding with a truth filled post on how I know he is but then what may I inquire am I? However I had spent too long and went through too much to sacrifice the high road now. And thanks to a quick defense by the admin I was not pressured into responding immediately. I knew I could not just go on posting without first responding to this vicious attack. I was forced to put off all my ambitious post plans in order to take the time to cool off and find just the right moment to respond. I just want you to know that that list of post I intended to do earlier in the summer was real, I even had a really good one that I was going to post but because of everything I had to put it off.
So time has past and the blog has deteriorated. Also now that I have school to work on I finally have time to put off work and procrastinate with the blog. The time is right for a response so I may finally resume my influenza causing posts. Please allow me to start with this so called, “ssakcaj a “ main argument that I should just shut up. Now it would be correct and well within my rights to respond with an appropriate, well why don’t you shut up!. However instead I will just say that yes I could shut up if you like, however until I get a mandate form the entire moff group demanding my mouth be sealed shut with frozen sea-horse tails I am afraid I will have to keep on talking It is not because I want to keep talking, it is more that as a member and one, who you so gracefully pointed out, is not an actual moff (in fact I don’t even have the letters m, o, f, or even f in any of my names) I have to keep posting in order to not become an outlaw. This brings me to your next point naneek, your point that I am not even really a moff. This is completely true and I cannot deny it. However as I stated above I was invited to join by the founder of the blog and asked to participate in the beta stage so as to prepare it for the arrival of the moffs. As soon as the moff blog is fully set up I will, once surrounded by the pitchforks and torches of the moff asking for my leave, then I will gladly be on my way, no hard feelings no good-bye cake, no nothing(although cake is good at any occasion, except for a pie convention).
Now to move on from the core issues and complaints brought up by the spiteful post, allow me to switch over to the more troubling section of the post that contained the smaller attacks that I feel did the most damage. One of the accusations is that my posts are totally random and make absolutely no sense whatsoever. I would tell this naneek that if he were to actually read any of my posts he would see that all of them alone made perfect sense or, if they were on the stranger side, they would always be preceded by a post specifically designed to explain he next post. Related to this is an insult of my security system that I have implemented into my posts to ensure member’s security in this mixed up crazy llama eat llama world of ours. The key to the security is to write the person I am mentioning name backwards. I feel I adequately explained my reasoning and how it would work in a lengthy earlier post but apparently naneek decided not to read that post. He then went on to criticize the lengths of my posts as well as the nasty aftereffects of my posts. Now I have never denied any of the ill effects of my posts, unlike the author of the offending posts. I let it be known that it had been scientifically proven that the moff posts, especially his posts, caused cancer. I accepted this fact willingly while “ssakcaj A” lashed out and denied the link any chance he could get. While grasping for something solid to deny with he eventually decided to just blame my posts for everything. This continuing denial came to the surface again in naneek’s infamous post so I will not spend very much time defending myself, instead I will just direct people to look at the scientific evidence and decide for themselves. To move onto one of the most disturbing of criticism, that my posts are obscenely long, I would have like to have just said, “yea sooo…and what’s your point?…is that supposed to be a bad thing or what?” however that would not be a well thought out or developed response so it would not belong in this post. I will respond by saying that none of my posts have been unusually long, I would go so far as to say that your one line or sometimes even no line posts are the unusual length. I wish I could say more on the subject but I fear that doing so will compromise the integrity of this response.
Well that may not be all that I want to/can say but this is where I will end this post for fear of making it too long. But it feels good to start again and now that I have stuff I can easily procrastinate with I may post more than just this one. Then again I am as crusty says, a very lazy guy so then again this could be all you hear form me for another few months. Luckily this blog has grown so not hearing from me would probably be a very good thing.
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