Saturday, January 14, 2006

Hey thats my line!

if you were to look about 2 posts down that is exactly what i was going to say. Well, you know, execpt for the acual words in the post. I doubt that i would ever refer to myself in the third person so many times in a row. I mean the great andrew does frefer to himself the the person of the thrid. But only when werdnA needs to remind his subjects of who he is (like they would ever be allowed to forget! ha)

but anyway, yea it has been real quiet on the blog front. but you know that really is my fault. I mean ther are really only 2 people who contribute to the blog. neD adn naneeK. i just kind of whap my head against the keyboard and publish whatever makes it onscreen. Now both of those people have an excues. They have a brand spankin (literally) new memebr of the family to take care of (which is another post i never published!) Isabel. err sorry, lebasI i dont want someone to steal your 2 week old identity and wrap up a bunch of charges on your credit cards.

So really that left me with the roll of solo poster for a little while. and i did absolutly nothing with it. sorry about that it was totally my fauslt and i- wait a minute, what am i doing. It wasnt my fault it was everybody but me's fault. I am forever perfect and can never make a mistake. Or at least that is what i am told by the media. Whew that was close i almost took responsobility for something and came close to forgetting that taking personal responsobility is illigal in today's world.

but beacuse you seemd to have asked for it here is a long freekin post with pictures that are acually relevent tot he post. I know! it is another sigh of the apocolips! better stockup on canned food because that cant be fore taht a couple horseman left.


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