Thursday, November 10, 2005


Procrastinizaztion?  I don’t know if that is a word.  But, it seems we have a common thread of procrastination and prioritization…  Two excellent ideas…

But, I am concerned as to what would happen if they were put into practice together…

Say, one decided that one needed to prioritize the activities in one’s life; but, one was also an accomplished procrastinator.  Odds are, the list of priorities would never be produced because the procrastination would preclude the prioritization…  Wild!

Now, say you weren’t such a good procrastinator and you made a prioritized list of activities.  Of course, as you needed to improve your procrastination prowess, you would place it high on the priority list…  So, when you got to that priority—BAM!!!—you would never get anything else on the list done…

It seems that these two essential elements to a well-rounded student and professional life, prioritization and procrastination, are mutually exclusive—you cannot do both…

Here is where I introduce a new concept—a revolution in the way we live our dreary, workaday lives…  The Answer for the unasked question:

Stochastination—random flipping between the two mutually exclusive states of procrastination and prioritization, characterized by random spurts of productive energy interlaced with long, restful periods of inactivity and slothfulness.

Catch you on the flip side….


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