A retort to earlier threats and fulminations
Recently, over the past two weeks there have been several demands, charges and requisitions on me by a fellow bloginite commonly referred to as, “A Jackass”. Now I try to make it a point to purposefully delay responding to these kinds of call-outs and I was planning on waiting a full month before posting anything onto the blog, thereby ensuring the creation of a deterrent against these types of forceful posts. However, I wake up this morning with the head of my computer mouse chopped off and in my bed sheets and I have changed my mind and decided to give my response now.
First allow me to start off by saying to all the MPAA, RIAA, ESBN, and whichever FBI agent reading this I am sure he is kidding for I would never EVER even DREAM of PIRATING any kind of music or audio cd or software and I especially would not go out and find some kind of “crack” or “krack” for it. The thought has never even entered my mind. I make it a point to turn in all friends and family members who even mention the word pirate, even if they are just talking about Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean ride. And to any NSA, DOD or other secret government agency monitoring all my communications I would just like to point out how much I respect all laws and regulations set forth by the United States of America and her allies, especially those of domestic and international copyright law and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
Now to respond to your inquiries of what you require.
1. Just to let you know I have given your name and information to the proper authorities and if you would like further information of copyright laws and institutions and their importance on the world economy feel free to IM me later and I will explain it all.
2. Don’t worry, I am sure the MPAA wont take that comment seriously, I mean it’s not like they have sued a twelve year old girl, an elderly grandmother, a family without a computer, the rest of the twelve year old girls family when they couldn’t get a conviction, and numerous other people for far less offenses. Oh wait…they have. All well I am sure they know that you were kidding and that you plan on paying double the suggested retail value when it comes out on May 9th.
3. As for Dawn of War, I already have the game, have had it since it came out about I year ago. I know how fun it is. And the rate at which I could get the expansion pack I completely determinate on how fast the torrent file is…or at least that’s what I would say if I were some kinda filthy dirty cool-ass pirate. In reality how fast I can get it is determinate on how fast I drive to the store and pay triple the cover price.
4. not sure but I am planning on next weekend.
5. if you give me a valid reason I might think about giving my playstation 2 to you. Although you know they just dropped the price of the ps2 and those things are so freakin tiny. I mean you don’t realize just how small they managed to make the ps2 until you see one up close.
6. no you may not steal from me.
EC. Production on the 360 just started picking up so they should be in stores now or available online. In fact costco’s online shop just started selling the bundle packs again, although you really don’t need a bundle pack seeing as how you already have the games offered and the controllers. If you wait until November or so supposedly the rumor is the price may drop $100. or you could wait until the first half of 2007 or so when they switch the 90 nanometer cpu out for the cooler, smaller, and cheaper 65 nanometer cpu. Or you could wait until the xbox 540 comes out between 2010 and 2012 and get a 360 dirt cheap.
Oh any btw, the shower is the perfect place for a bloody nose. You don’t have to worry about running cloths; you can bleed all over the place with no repercussions and it really is one of your few chances to cover yourself in blood without participating in a pagan ceremony.
Oh and you can buy a house in a bunch of different places. Talk to the dukes, that’s how I got my place in a van down by the river (maybe you are too young for that reference). They cost a bunch thought so be prepared.
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