Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Ha Take That Monday

Today (Tuesday) was a good day. I aced (Aed) my soap opera essay for tv class. Then to celebrate I went to the A&I feed lot (I can’t seem to remember what its actual name is so instead of going with mess or cafeteria I went with cows, not sure why, we should probably ask a psychiatrist) and I had the best meal ever. For dinner tonight (Tuesday) I had Cinnanmen Toast Crunch! What made it so good was that they had this new kind of white, un-carbonated soda to pour on it. Its called Milk, pronounced Meeilk. Its really good, although I think they should try and make a diet milk (meeilk). I am not sure where it comes from but it seems it is everywhere, I mean they sell the stuff by the gallon! Judging from the name I would guess that it’s a Greek soft drink. Although, milk, (pronounced meeilk) sounds like if could be named after Meekolie, which I think is a Russian name. all well I guess all that matters is that there is finally a soda you can put on your cereal besides cow pee. And I am all for that.


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